Top Dance Blog Contest



In the past, I’ve thought about entering Dance Advantage’s Top Dance Blog Contest, but never followed through.  In part, my writing is all over the internet.  I’m like a visa card – everywhere you want to be – and, as a result, I’m not able to post here as much as I might like.  The other part is just a total lack of self-confidence.

But, I’m REALLY proud of the rebuild on this website, and, I don’t know, I think it’s time to stick my nose in the contest! So, I’m making a plea to pool all of my readers to this one place, just this once, to ask for your support in voting for me as one of the top dance bloggers of 2013.

Maybe something I wrote has taught you something, or prompted you to think differently about something, or maybe just made you L.O.L a little….

That’s cool. Now, can you do me a little favor?

Getting to the next phase of the competition depends on support from YOU in the form of comments.  So just scroll to the bottom of this here page, and tell me what you love (or hate – whatever) about this blog, preferably by January 20…

We can do it!


22 thoughts on “Top Dance Blog Contest

  1. Lauren is such a wonderful advocate for dance! Her abundance of knowledge and passion for the art form is apparent in her writings, here and all over the internet. She is an excellent candidate for the Top Dance Blog! Pick Lauren!!

  2. You are an inspiring person and it translates wonderfully through your writing and your dance. Got my Vote!

  3. Lauren has such a passion for dance and dance writing; her commitment to all of her writings and the content shows it. Vote for Lauren in Top Dance Blog!!

  4. Lauren is always so dedicated to the arts, to teaching and to spreading the word. I have seen many shows over the years and been very impressed with her professionalism, talent and especially her writing. She has a way of putting you right there with her. Lauren gets my vote for Top Dance Blog!

  5. I appreciate Lauren’s honest and forthright opinions regarding many facets of the dance world!

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