Sometimes it’s Reassuring to See that Other People Agree With You

There’s a nice article online at Dance Magazine floating around on the social media today about common mistakes we are making in the dance world.  Author Nancy Wozny gathered information from Physical Therapists, and I’m relieved and excited to report that all three bullet points are things I’ve already said. In a nutshell: Mistake #1: Static Stretching at the beginning of the…

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National Dance Day 2013, and a peek into the archives at my best bits

In homage to National Dance Day, I’ve been sifting through some of the archives here and elsewhere to get an idea of everything that’s happening dance-wise.  As a person who likes to write about dance, I find it really difficult to narrow my focus to just education, or just previews and reviews.  So I resolved to put my hands into…

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I was apprehensive in joining Dance Advantage’s Top Dance Blog competition… I love this little here blog, but I’m also acutely aware that it’s a website with somewhat of an identity crisis.  Like the girl who created the site (that’s me!), Art Intercepts is still finding itself. What started as a resource database on dance injuries created as part of…

Read More Humbled.

Top Dance Blog Contest

  In the past, I’ve thought about entering Dance Advantage’s Top Dance Blog Contest, but never followed through.  In part, my writing is all over the internet.  I’m like a visa card – everywhere you want to be – and, as a result, I’m not able to post here as much as I might like.  The other part is just…

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Why Dance Matters (or at least why it mattered at 8pm last Thursday night)

  I've been doing a whole lot of stalling this week on giving my two cents for the Why Dance Matters campaign.  The lovely Nichelle over at Dance Advantage launched this initiative a few years ago and I love it for both its simplicity and its impact.   The task is simple… To write, blog, pin, tweet:   Why does dance matter?  …

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A Meeting of Bloggy Minds

  Zac Whittenburg perhaps tweeted it best: Zachary Whittenburg ‏trailerpilot In full effect: deep-fried pretzels and real talk with dancinbranflake artintercepts danceadvantage mariasmovers + 4dancers.#DUSAconf What kind of blew my mind about my dinner dates last night, aside from the fact that some of the best bloggers nationwide were sitting around a table together over fried dough, was the fact that most of us had only met face-to-face an…

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