Join me for a #chidance tweet chat!

twitter-logoI’ve had the pleasure of hosting a workshop on press and PR for small dance companies at Outerspace Studios on Saturday mornings for the last couple of weeks. Several colleagues have said they wanted to come, but work five jobs and can’t make it on Saturday mornings.

Then one Saturday there was a big snow storm (shocking for Chicago in January, I know), and in lieu of a face-to-face meeting held the first ever #chidancechat on Twitter! We tweeted about best practices for social media marketing, and for some of our participants is was their very first Twitter chat.

I think that Twitter chats might be the way of the future. Others who chimed in were commuting to or from Saturday morning jobs (on trains, of course), or caught up with the feed after the fact. The point is, I want to try it again.

I’ll be attending the Midwest Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium in Ohio next weekend presenting some recent research, and from beautiful Bowling Green will be hosting another #chidancechat on Friday evening from 9-10pm CST. We’re going with Friday night because I’m presenting during the Saturday morning slot, and because maybe all the dancers teaching 3-year-olds on Saturday mornings would like to join me!

As a topic, we’re going to try: Previews, reviews, and butts in seats

The moderator will pose questions for you to answer, all related to press for dance and how it translates to ticket sales.

All you have to do is open Twitter, search for #chidancechat, and follow the stream.

P.S. Just because you’re not in or from Chicago doesn’t mean you shouldn’t join us! The perspective will be somewhat Chicago-centric, but maybe that’s why we need people from Boston, SF, NY, etc. to join!

See you then?!?