2013 Fall Dance Wrap-up

It’s been a whirlwind season and things are finally starting to settle down in the dance world. In the short respite post-Fall Danceapolooza and pre-Nutcracker frenzy, I thought I’d take a moment to express my gratitude for the seriously phenomenal dance that crossed my path in the past three months. It’s been all go, no quit, and there’s no time like Thanksgiving to reflect on all the good things that have transpired in the dance world. Without the vibrant and tireless work of the dance community, my job isn’t possible.

So, thanks.



As a mini-celebration of the Fall season drawing to a close, here’s a list of my top five from Fall 2013 (in no particular order):

1. Bill T. Jones / Arnie Zane Dance Company in Story/Time

“Story/Time is exhausting at times… Most of the time, it’s inconceivably brilliant. One gets the feeling after Story/Time that he’s just witnessed an historic moment in contemporary dance history, and most would find it difficult to disagree.” See my full review on SeeChicagoDance.com

2. Lucky Plush Productions’ Cinderbox 2.0

Long story short, Julia Rhoads is great. So are her dances. I was so pleased to see the extended and re-casted Cinderbox in Lucky Plush’s fall engagement at Links Hall, and since seeing it only drink Fiji water. Because it tastes better. Read the full report here.

3. The Joffrey Ballet’s remount of The Rite of Spring

I loved two-thirds of Joffrey’s season opener Russian Masters. The gem of the night, however, was the 100th anniversary performance of the original Rite of Spring. Read more about it here.

4. The Nexus Project

The brain child of Ben Wardell (who was also seen in Cinderbox, btw), The Nexus Project is a two-man, choose your own adventure show that re-contextualizes duets set on Wardell and Michel Rodriguez. The version of the show I saw was hilarious, and mind-blowing. Review is at SeeChicagoDance.com!

5. Kristina Isabelle’s Floating City

New kid in town Kristina Isabelle transformed Links Hall’s white space into a magical universe that explored the “in-betweens”. What I appreciated most in this Chicago Dancemakers Forum Lab Artist last month was the attention to detail and beautiful collaborations between movement, sound, lights, video, set, and costumes. See my review at SeeChicagoDance.com.

Other Notables:

I can’t leave this list alone without mentioning Alejandro Cerrudo’s Cloudless duet for two women premiered at the Harris, Same Planet Different World and Peter Carpenter’s co-presentation at The Dance Center of Columbia College, and the still-running cresset: vibrant, rusting by Khecari’s Julia Rae Antonick at Revere Park. So call it a top 8, I guess…

P.S. If you’re in the mood for a Black Friday bargain, check out the dancerly-type deals featured on One Crafty Lady (this other blog I write) today only!