Milwaukee Ballet’s Unique Take on Nutcracker (review)

MILWAUKEE, WI: Since 2002, Michael Pink has remained at the helm of Milwaukee Ballet, the longest sitting Artistic Director in the company’s 45 year history. Pink’s impressive resume as a dancer rival those of the world’s most prestigious artistic directors, however, unlike many of his colleagues, Pink is also one of his company’s primary choreographers. Because Pink has the advantage of…

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Milwaukee Ballet’s Michael Pink: “If we get you through the doors, we can have a lasting impact”

MILWAUKEE, WI: “That is the the biggest challenge… this city lives under the shadow of Chicago so people make an assumption that it can’t possibly hold much value,” said Michael Pink, “but I can tell you that the arts are in abundance, and rival anything you can find in Chicago…there is not a dull moment in this city… we have…

Read More Milwaukee Ballet’s Michael Pink: “If we get you through the doors, we can have a lasting impact”