Chicago Repertory Ballet Celebrates 100 years of ‘The Rite of Spring’ (Preview)

100 years ago The Rite of Spring (Le Sacre du Printemps) opened in Paris, and caused quite the hubbub.  The age-old story of Pagan ritual sacrifice and the ushering in of the growing season as it was imagined by Igor Stravinsky and Vaslav Nijinsky was so controversial it nearly started a riot in the theatre.  After a brief run, the work…

Read More Chicago Repertory Ballet Celebrates 100 years of ‘The Rite of Spring’ (Preview)

Unsolicited advice. To myself. And, a word about stillness in dance.

Calm down and sit still. But, keep busy, too.   I have a serious tendency to jam pack my life.  I actually feel like sometimes this helps my productivity – when I'm not as busy I tend to catch up on TV, lolligag, and generally accomplish less.   So what gives?   There's actually some scientific rationale here… bear with…

Read More Unsolicited advice. To myself. And, a word about stillness in dance.