Chicago Dancing Festival founders receive Public Humanities Award

Every once in awhile, we are reminded that dance is about more than just dance. Each year since 1984, the Illinois Humanities Council has awarded the Public Humanities Award to acknowledge outstanding individuals or organizations who don’t need reminders that the arts and humanities can create positive changes to society. In 2014, Jay Franke and David Herro are added to an impressive…

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Striding Lion examines the American Dream

  Striding Lion Performance Group’s latest endeavor, American Me, is an immersive look at the sometimes hilarious, sometimes profound, sometimes disturbing state of self-reliance and the American Dream. It’s a wide-reaching, epic journey that spans decades and genres, blending 1950’s diner tunes with 1980’s rock ballads, and weird emo modern dance with pas de chats with satirical theatre. Under the direction of…

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Cristina Tadeo and Nicholas Davio’s “Bread & Butter”: A Complex Issue in Analog Form (preview)

Young choreographer and recent Columbia College grad Cristina Tadeo set out to make a duet this summer with no other objective than paying her dancers.  Ironically, as the work started to come together it became more and more about the thing she set out to do. I watched the fifteen minute piece last night – a trio, actually, for two…

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Shaping Sound at the Harris Theater for Music and Dance (Review)

To borrow a question from Kyle MacMillan in yesterday’s Sun Times: Can the mass appeal of television dance shows transfer to the stage? Sure it can. Shaping Sound showed up at the Harris Theater and proved it. “A new contemporary dance company” with TV dance super stars Travis Wall, Nick Lazzarini, Teddy Forance, and Kyle Robinson at the helm, Shaping Sound was launched in 2012…

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I was apprehensive in joining Dance Advantage’s Top Dance Blog competition… I love this little here blog, but I’m also acutely aware that it’s a website with somewhat of an identity crisis.  Like the girl who created the site (that’s me!), Art Intercepts is still finding itself. What started as a resource database on dance injuries created as part of…

Read More Humbled.

A Chance to Dance. But, is it really your only chance?

  In watching last week's episode of A Chance to Dance, I found a lot of myself in those young dancers.  I remember what it felt like to think that this one thing was my *only* opportunity to succeed in a dance career.    When I was 20, I took a 48-hour trip to New York to audition for Marymount Manhattan…

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Sometimes, Lauren thinks

I work, and I write, and then I work some more, and then I write some more. And then, sometimes, I think. What I mean is, life is go, go, go, all the time and if you’re an artist of any kind this can be a bit problematic when if comes to making work that’s…. well….. good. You might go…

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Zen and the Art of Tech Week

  I knew this week wasn't going to be easy.    First week of school, family members coming into town, and tech week.  Tech week is exhausting even under the best of circumstances, but this one's a doozy.   Surprisingly, I'm in good form so far.  I haven't really experienced much of the last minute OMG moments where I realize…

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Eat, Pray, PRODUCE

First of all, I’d like to publicly announce that that movie should have ended after the “eat” part in Italy… although I’ve been told the book is much better. Secondly, that piece of strawberry pie to my left is not from Italy. It’s from the Hotel Santa Fe in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, Mexico. And it’s the best piece of pie I’ve ever…

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PRODUCE: Reality TV and Lauren’s Goals for the Series…

Produce.                             Or is it Produce?               Either way, it's happening tomorrow night, and for the following three Fridays in July. You've been hearing a lot from me about Produce. About what it is and why you should come. So, instead…

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