Movement Matters: An interview with Kiam Marcelo Junio

Movement Matters is a monthly column by Michael Workman that investigates performers whose work intersects politics, policy, and issues related to the body as the locus of socio-cultural dialogues on race, gender, ability and more. For this installment, we sit down with visual, performance and movement artist Kiam Marcelo Junio to discuss the influence of their military upbringing and career…

Read More Movement Matters: An interview with Kiam Marcelo Junio

Lizzie Leopold on how dancers are people. and so are audience members.

Ok, so, you might notice some changes around here… I'm in the middle of a massive re-build of the website!  Unfortunately, that means that we're is in a continual state of virtual chaos.  So exuse the "dust", if you will, while I talk briefly about a project that couldn't wait until the web changes are done…. I always appreciate an opportunity…

Read More Lizzie Leopold on how dancers are people. and so are audience members.