Art Intercepts turns 3! Well, sort of.

It’s my bloggerversary! Even though I technically bought the domain in 2009, on September 15 three years ago I pushed “publish” on the very first blog post in this crazy adventure.  68 posts later (this one here makes 69), I’m still trying to figure out what Art Intercepts is. And that’s ok. The only thing I ever wanted out of…

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Unsolicited advice. To myself. And, a word about stillness in dance.

Calm down and sit still. But, keep busy, too.   I have a serious tendency to jam pack my life.  I actually feel like sometimes this helps my productivity – when I'm not as busy I tend to catch up on TV, lolligag, and generally accomplish less.   So what gives?   There's actually some scientific rationale here… bear with…

Read More Unsolicited advice. To myself. And, a word about stillness in dance.

Sometimes, Lauren thinks

I work, and I write, and then I work some more, and then I write some more. And then, sometimes, I think. What I mean is, life is go, go, go, all the time and if you’re an artist of any kind this can be a bit problematic when if comes to making work that’s…. well….. good. You might go…

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Zen and the Art of Tech Week

  I knew this week wasn't going to be easy.    First week of school, family members coming into town, and tech week.  Tech week is exhausting even under the best of circumstances, but this one's a doozy.   Surprisingly, I'm in good form so far.  I haven't really experienced much of the last minute OMG moments where I realize…

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Superhumans (or not)

  You may not know this, but I'm a HUGE cycling fan.  So the news of Lance Armstrong's alleged use of performance enhancing drugs on 60 minutes last Sunday was a disappointment, if not a shock, and a horrible reminder that these figures that we put on pedestals have not always achieved superhuman feats of athleticism through good training, hard work, and…

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Until recently, I saw dance as a luxury, a passion, an indulgence, a pasttime, and, sometimes, an annoyance.  I took a look at the choreographers who I feel are successful, and realized that they treat dance as their profession.  Regardless of their "jobs", dance is their work. Even though football is a game, society places value on the work that…

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On Movement Movement is on the brain.  Here's why:   In a post-show discussion at Dance Union, with the topic of the evening titled "On Movement", someone asked the panel of choreographers (myself included) why we chose dance as a medium to express these particular ideas.  I'm not exactly sure how I answered the question, but looking back on it I…

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