Visceral Dance Company is Born (review)

Thursday night saw the debut performance of Visceral Dance Chicago at the surprisingly half full Harris Theater for Music and Dance. In an short performance of three world premieres and a video montage highlighting each company member, it’s clear that Visceral Dance Chicago is here, and wants to play with the big kids. I mean, what brand new dance company…

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CHRP to Present Argentina’s Che Malambo in the 9th Annual Global Rhythms (preview)

If it’s dance and makes noise, it’s fair game to the Chicago Human Rhythm Project (CHRP). Rising from the traditional Argentinian Gauchos, Malambo is a compelling dance form that is yet to be seen in North America – until now. Employing echoes of more familiar Argentinian forms such as the leg flicks seen in tango and foot percussion of flamenco,…

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Chicago Sinfonietta’s ’13-14 Season Opener (review)

Can classical music and hip hop dance truly be friends? I don’t know… …but the Chicago Sinfonietta had the guts to try it in its opening performance for the 2013-14 season at Symphony Center Saturday night. The first half of the evening was a fascinating salad of Swan Lake, Hip Hop Dance, symphonic Americana, and Aram Khachaturian. I’ve seen something…

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Post:Ballet presents “Four Plays” at the Yerba Buena Center (Preview)

For their upcoming program this weekend in San Francisco, Artistic Director of Post:Ballet Robert Dekkers enlisted live musicians, visual artists, and award-winning architect Robert Gilson to create Four Plays.  The ambitious (and expensive) evening of all-Dekkers choreography features the premiere of field the present shifts. By its description, shifts sounds more like a Cunningham work than ballet… “by following a shared rule set that structures the artistic…

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April is Chicago Dance Month!

In spite of an exciting month ahead, things might be a little quieter around here. I’m very excited to announce that I’ll be contributing to to help cover the wealth of Chicago dance events happening in April. Why April?? Why not!  I mean, let’s face it: on any given weekend you could go see 2-8 different dance performances.  But April is…

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Springing to a New Realm in Dance Writing

I admire dance critics, but I certainly don’t envy them.  Weekends spent in a dark theater hunched over a notepad; people you barely know pretending to be your best friend; the fate of their social media lives resting in your hands. I think back to episodes such as the disastrous review of NYCB’s Nutcracker and the firestorm that followed Alastair Macaulay’s…

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PRODUCE: Reality TV and Lauren’s Goals for the Series…

Produce.                             Or is it Produce?               Either way, it's happening tomorrow night, and for the following three Fridays in July. You've been hearing a lot from me about Produce. About what it is and why you should come. So, instead…

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