Thirteen Days in Durban

*Note: This piece appears in the JOMBA! Khuluma Digital, a magazine summarizing the 20th annual JOMBA! Contemporary Dance Experience. Five students at the University of Kwazulu-Natal participated in a Dance Writing Residency, engaging with dance writing and criticism in conjunction with the festival. Re-published with permission. DURBAN, KZN, SOUTH AFRICA — …and so begins my journey home. It’s hard to…

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Art Intercepts turns 3! Well, sort of.

It’s my bloggerversary! Even though I technically bought the domain in 2009, on September 15 three years ago I pushed “publish” on the very first blog post in this crazy adventure.  68 posts later (this one here makes 69), I’m still trying to figure out what Art Intercepts is. And that’s ok. The only thing I ever wanted out of…

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National Dance Day 2013, and a peek into the archives at my best bits

In homage to National Dance Day, I’ve been sifting through some of the archives here and elsewhere to get an idea of everything that’s happening dance-wise.  As a person who likes to write about dance, I find it really difficult to narrow my focus to just education, or just previews and reviews.  So I resolved to put my hands into…

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April is Chicago Dance Month!

In spite of an exciting month ahead, things might be a little quieter around here. I’m very excited to announce that I’ll be contributing to to help cover the wealth of Chicago dance events happening in April. Why April?? Why not!  I mean, let’s face it: on any given weekend you could go see 2-8 different dance performances.  But April is…

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Deirdre Kelly Gives the Dirt on Ballerinas

Last weekend I saw Les Miserables in the movie theater, and it was ironically appropriate given the book I was reading at the time: Ballerina by Deirdre Kelly.  Les Mis theatrically reveals the squalor that was the French Revolution, a period in which ballet was undergoing a great deal of development.  Going to the ballet, at that time, was like going to…

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A Meeting of Bloggy Minds

  Zac Whittenburg perhaps tweeted it best: Zachary Whittenburg ‏trailerpilot In full effect: deep-fried pretzels and real talk with dancinbranflake artintercepts danceadvantage mariasmovers + 4dancers.#DUSAconf What kind of blew my mind about my dinner dates last night, aside from the fact that some of the best bloggers nationwide were sitting around a table together over fried dough, was the fact that most of us had only met face-to-face an…

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Springing to a New Realm in Dance Writing

I admire dance critics, but I certainly don’t envy them.  Weekends spent in a dark theater hunched over a notepad; people you barely know pretending to be your best friend; the fate of their social media lives resting in your hands. I think back to episodes such as the disastrous review of NYCB’s Nutcracker and the firestorm that followed Alastair Macaulay’s…

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Sometimes, Lauren thinks

I work, and I write, and then I work some more, and then I write some more. And then, sometimes, I think. What I mean is, life is go, go, go, all the time and if you’re an artist of any kind this can be a bit problematic when if comes to making work that’s…. well….. good. You might go…

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Antiquity and idiocy:

I'm certainly not the first blogger to write about the recent scandal surrounding Alastair Macaulay's review of NYCB's Nutcracker, and the subsequent follow-up.  In the review, Jennifer Ringer and her dashing cavalier, Jared Angle, are acused of having "eaten one sugar plum too many; and Jared Angle, as the Cavalier, seems to have been sampling half the Sweet realm."   The outrage…

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SYTYC Write Scientifically About Dance?

While I was a graduate teaching assistant at the University of Illinois I forced (appropriately chosen term) my aerobic conditioning students to write a two-page summary on the benefits of aerobic exercise.  Through this experiment I came to the conclusion that writing is a dying artform.  Basic sentence structure, grammar, spelling, have all fallen victim to autocorrect on the computer,…

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