Dance for Life 2015 is in the books

To quote Miley Cyrus, “It’s our party, we can do what we want…” …and at Dance for Life 2015, we sure did. I took a stab at playing multiple roles as reporter, photog., and party-goer. Taking pictures, mingling, and drinking wine all at the same time is complicated, particularly when the whole place is dripping with red lights, and I…

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Diane Rawlinson to receive the 2014 Ruth Page Award

order tramadol on-line xanax express delivery Since 1986, the Ruth Page Foundation has awarded passionate and influential members of the dance community with the Ruth Page Award. In 2004, Keith Elliott and Dance for Life received the award. With Elliott recently departing Chicago for a new business endeavor in Scottsdale, Arizona, it seems fitting that Diane Rawlinson would receive the Ruth…

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Big Discounts on Big Shows! See Dance for Life and Hubbard Street for Half Price

Dance for Life is a great tradition in Chicago Dance that I’ve never been to. I’m all for a good cause, but when even the nosebleeds are too expensive I take a pass and hope for a more abundant pocketbook next year. After all, is this sort of Gala performance really intended for dancers? Or is it more suited for…

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