Happy Birthday, Art Intercepts! You’re a beautiful disaster, and I just can’t quit you.

It was maybe 2011 when I reconsidered the name Art Intercepts. My thought process went something like: There’s no “dance” in the name. I obviously have nothing to do with the Cartesian Coordinate System. Everyone gets it wrong and types Arts Intercept instead of Art Intercepts, or uses AI, which makes me think of artificial intelligence, or some guy named…

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Five Years and Counting!

  I happened to glance at my calendar and see a really big milestone coming up. On Tuesday, Sept. 15 this little blog turns 5! Is Art Intercepts everything I wanted and hoped it would be? NO! Certainly not! But you’ve gotta give a girl some credit for sticking with something. In five years, blogging has gone from something stay-at-home…

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