Dance Shelter: Raw, unfiltered, unreasonably long

In Chicago Moving Company’s first performance since the death of Chicago dance guru and CMC founder Nana Shineflug, Dance Shelter maintained all her goodness and unbridled spirit. Nana was perhaps best known for trying anything and everything, something that has been passed down to the choreographers she mentored throughout her life. Nana’s influence is, perhaps, best seen in CMC’s artists-in-residence, Rachel…

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Review: There is no “I” in The Dance Team

CHICAGO—I’ve never heard a pre-show announcement that ended with:“OK, so does anyone have any questions?” But I think that’s just how Chris Knowlton (Artistic Director of The Dance Team) rolls. Every aspect of The Past is Prologue, showing this weekend at Links Hall, is indicative of the collaborative spirit embraced by The Dance Team.  The five pieces that made up Friday’s…

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