How I am Celebrating Eating Disorders Awareness Week

February is Eating Disorders Awareness Month, and there has been quite a bit floating around the blogosphere with respect to this poignant topic in the dance community. It’s just too bad that we are still faced with a serious problem when it comes to dancers and eating disorders, but the fact that the community is now talking more open and honestly…

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Springing to a New Realm in Dance Writing

I admire dance critics, but I certainly don’t envy them.  Weekends spent in a dark theater hunched over a notepad; people you barely know pretending to be your best friend; the fate of their social media lives resting in your hands. I think back to episodes such as the disastrous review of NYCB’s Nutcracker and the firestorm that followed Alastair Macaulay’s…

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Antiquity and idiocy:

I'm certainly not the first blogger to write about the recent scandal surrounding Alastair Macaulay's review of NYCB's Nutcracker, and the subsequent follow-up.  In the review, Jennifer Ringer and her dashing cavalier, Jared Angle, are acused of having "eaten one sugar plum too many; and Jared Angle, as the Cavalier, seems to have been sampling half the Sweet realm."   The outrage…

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