Kait’s New Year’s Resolution: Don’t Diet

At age thirteen, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul told me being 5’2 and 115 pounds was overweight (who let them publish this?). My diet highlight reel includes: “Rogue Weight Watchers” aka binge eating carrots, dabbling with bulimia, and calorie counting. My period stopped for a bit, I was tired all the time, I didn’t get hungry or full anymore,…

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Get Down: a virtual dance off benefitting the Global Poverty Project

The Global Poverty Project is built on the idea that poverty is perpetuated by a lack of access to education worldwide. What does that have to do with dance? Nothing. It’s not possible to dance poverty away… or is it? Dance is a universal language that can be a powerful tool in igniting change. The Global Poverty Project believes that…

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Unsolicited advice. To myself. And, a word about stillness in dance.

Calm down and sit still. But, keep busy, too.   I have a serious tendency to jam pack my life.  I actually feel like sometimes this helps my productivity – when I'm not as busy I tend to catch up on TV, lolligag, and generally accomplish less.   So what gives?   There's actually some scientific rationale here… bear with…

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A Chance to Dance. But, is it really your only chance?

  In watching last week's episode of A Chance to Dance, I found a lot of myself in those young dancers.  I remember what it felt like to think that this one thing was my *only* opportunity to succeed in a dance career.    When I was 20, I took a 48-hour trip to New York to audition for Marymount Manhattan…

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Why Dance Matters (or at least why it mattered at 8pm last Thursday night)

  I've been doing a whole lot of stalling this week on giving my two cents for the Why Dance Matters campaign.  The lovely Nichelle over at Dance Advantage launched this initiative a few years ago and I love it for both its simplicity and its impact.   The task is simple… To write, blog, pin, tweet:   Why does dance matter?  …

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IS it #GoingToBeOk?

The Dance/USA conference is in full-swing now, and the dance world at large has taken San Francisco by storm.  Being tasked with "live-tweeting" by the conference gurus, I can honestly say I tweeted my behind off today – but I'm left a little on the fence about the idea of "real time" reporting on the real and tremendous issues that…

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A Meeting of Bloggy Minds

  Zac Whittenburg perhaps tweeted it best: Zachary Whittenburg ‏trailerpilot In full effect: deep-fried pretzels and real talk with dancinbranflake artintercepts danceadvantage mariasmovers + 4dancers.#DUSAconf What kind of blew my mind about my dinner dates last night, aside from the fact that some of the best bloggers nationwide were sitting around a table together over fried dough, was the fact that most of us had only met face-to-face an…

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Sometimes, Lauren thinks

I work, and I write, and then I work some more, and then I write some more. And then, sometimes, I think. What I mean is, life is go, go, go, all the time and if you’re an artist of any kind this can be a bit problematic when if comes to making work that’s…. well….. good. You might go…

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Eat, Pray, PRODUCE

First of all, I’d like to publicly announce that that movie should have ended after the “eat” part in Italy… although I’ve been told the book is much better. Secondly, that piece of strawberry pie to my left is not from Italy. It’s from the Hotel Santa Fe in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, Mexico. And it’s the best piece of pie I’ve ever…

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PRODUCE: Reality TV and Lauren’s Goals for the Series…

Produce.                             Or is it Produce?               Either way, it's happening tomorrow night, and for the following three Fridays in July. You've been hearing a lot from me about Produce. About what it is and why you should come. So, instead…

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